English Ministry

River Life Fellowship (RLF) is the English-speaking ministry affiliated with Ark Mission Church (Korean PCA)

The multi-ethnic English-speaking ministry began in 1995 with gradual congregational membership of over 50 people. River Life Fellowship became the ministry's official name in 2008, after a name-change contest at a winter retreat at Camp Alta.

The mission statement of RLF is simple and to the point: “to make disciples of Jesus Christ and participate in mission work."

River Life Fellowship gathers every Wednesday at 4:00 pm for a weekly small group bible study.

In addition to our weekly bible study, members and guests of RLF gather once a month for a time of fellowship, food, and fun. The monthly fellowship meetings allow the members and guests of RLF to build stronger friendships and keep one another spiritually accountable. The monthly gatherings are held at a member's house or at an outdoor location within a few hours' driving distance.

River Life Fellowship serves primarily the English-speaking second generation Korean adults who attend Ark Mission Church. However, because we are the English-speaking ministry, we desire and attract people from all ethnic and cultural backgrounds to worship with us at RLF. Currently, the make-up of RLF is similar to God's desire for heaven—we are multi-ethnic and multi-cultural. The official membership of RLF tallies around 25 people. The RLF community serves God through learning, constantly strives to strengthen our faith, cares for those in need, and tries to live out the Christian life to the utmost according to Christ's will. Anyone and everyone from all ethnicities and backgrounds is welcome to join our community! If you are looking for a church home where you can attend and serve, or of you just want to visit a local church community, you are welcome to come join us at River Life Fellowship.